2022 Membership Info
(March ‘22 update)
3 Steps to Swim with the Smelts:
PLEASE NOTE: We will be caped at 50 swimmers for the Spring ‘22 Quarter. We encourage anyone who registers to make sure they will be able to attend practices as the spot they take means one less for other team-mates. Please reach out to info@chicagosmelts.org to be added to our mailing list and be one of the first to learn about future session sign ups.
Register with USMS
Register or Renew your United States Masters Swimming (USMS) membership.
USMS provides our general liability insurance during practices. Every person who swims with the team needs to be a member of USMS or this liability insurance is voided. You must have a USMS member number to purchase a Smelts membership.
If you plan to swim, you must sign up with United States Masters Swimming (USMS).
Sign up using these affiliations:
LMSC: Illinois
CLUB: Illinois Masters (IM)
WORKOUT GROUP: Chicago Smelts (CHSM)
2. Buy a Smelts membership
Create an Account with the Chicago Smelts and Purchase Your Membership.
You can choose a membership of your choice shown on the right. Membership fees are non-refundable.
When you register, you will be charged the fee immediately.
Starting 2022 memberships will not automatically renew. Please notify the Registrar if you have any questions.
3. Register with Chicago Park District
(Gill Park pool swimmers)
Our main pool at Gill Park is opening for its spring session in April with Chicago Park District’s limited capacity and restrictions. There will be 50 spots available and swimmers will be able to attend any practice time. Prior to signing up, make sure you will be able to attend practices as the spot you take means one less for your team-mates.
You must go to Gill Park in Person to Register
2022 Membership Fees
Quarterly Membership: $70
Nine Month membership: $210
Quarterly Membership: $52.50
Nine Month Membership: $157.5
This is a new membership option for those that wish to compete or attend social gatherings with the Smelts, but do not plan on practicing with the team. Yearly Membership: $50
Questions? Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.
Chicago Smelts on Facebook
Be sure to join our Facebook group! This is a great way to interact with other members, share swimming-related stories, make plans for social events or swim meets, and stay up-to-date on announcements. It's a closed group, so be sure to request to join and we will approve once your registration is complete.